Featured in Architectual Digest and voted one of the best hotels in the world, Castle on the Cliff in Plettenburg Bay of South Africa is cozy, eccentric and grand. My dear friend Sienna Crawford's family owns this wonderful home and rents it out when they are not on holiday. Rates are quite pricy, but the visits are completely staffed with a chef, gardner, and housekeeping. Breathtaking views, cushions layed out on the clifftop terrace to sunbathe, and complimentary breakfast make this holiday home exquisite and unique. Another amazing feature that Plettenburg Bay has to offer is the amazing sunshine and nature reserve ideal for hikes with plenty of rivers, lagoons, forests, and mountains. The highest bunji jump in the world and endless activites are also available for the stay. I miss Sienna! I hope to one day visit her in the castle!
My lovely bird, Sienna

Sienna looking beautiful! 

Photo Courtesy and Source: CastleontheCliff.com

Photo Courtesy and Source: CastleontheCliff.com
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