...Lewis Carroll's classic tale of Alice and her adventures is coming to life like you have never seen before. On March 5, 2010 Tim Burton's scintillating details and direction of "Alice through the looking glass" is to be released in 3-D and in theaters. Can you imagine!? Ive found a few photos of production that has been set to be filmed in late 2008 early 2009, maybe still going on?
Cast includes Johnny Depp as the mad hatter, Anne Hathaway as the white queen and 19-year-old Australian actress Mia Wasikowska. I absolutley cannot wait for this film!!
Note: Lindsay Lohan supposedly really wanted the part of alice and blames the media and bad press of her rejection. Ha! Really lindsay? I guess they didnt see your Fornarnia commercial because that was the higlight of your career. Thesuperficial.com desribes it exactly:
"...just imagine a talking skeleton surrounded by the shittiest 80s music and graphics you can think of. Then again, you're probably light years ahead of what I just saw. You lucky bastards."
Seriously, check it out!
I think this is a perfect year to dress as Alice or mad hatter or queen for Halloween! yes.

Photo Courtsey:
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