Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So things have been in turmoil the last few days at my home. A catastrophe, drama, an absolute fucking mess that you dont want to clean up. After leaving my house the first time in tears, I felt like my sister and mother were like the evil stepsisters and I was just standing there in rags. It was awful. Mother's day was a big party and a chance to make up, or so I thought. On the surface, everything looked okay but deep down everyone was still fed up with my shananigans and I was fed up with theirs. So what do I do? Drink. drink. and drink. I wanted to relax, I wanted to forget the whole fucking thing. Well I definitely forgot everything. The only thing I remember is laying on the driveway and pulling out all the flowers in the front yard. Hence, I am no longer going to live there. Just like Obama says.. "Its time for a change!" And Im ready. Another thing that is really pulling us apart is Ronny. They say he is the problem. So I dont need them. I love him.

So sorry for the lack of posts and updates. Im still a little shaken up but feeling quite strong.

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